Software Humax 5400z

  1. Software Humax 5400z User
  2. Humax 5400z Software Download
SoftwareHumax 5400z software

Software Humax 5400z User

5400ZPlusBuilderV20 19p Use this program to change the ToH Firmware, compatible for the. Humax 5400ZPlus with Loader H2.19. 5400ZPlusToHTunerFix 20p Use this program to change your. Humax 5400ZPlus with Loader H2.19 into a Humax 5400. Read the included README.file. Humax5400 FoutmeldingenNL Humax5400 FoutmeldingenENG. SOFTWARE RELEASE NOTE For HUMAX CI-8100 PVR; Environment; Software version: PTSCI 1.01.18 / MPTSCI 1.01.16: Loader version: H 1.14: System ID: 1561.0000, 1577.1000. Humax; Humax Software and Tools; Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last. Jump to page: Threads 1 to 20 of 42. Forum: Humax Software and Tools. Software and tools for Humax receivers.

Mar 01, 2010 I have a Humax 5400Z. My system ID is 00160601. I've tried to upload a new software but I got the Error-Id message. I didnt know what to do then so I changed my systemID (I didn't know that it's wrong) to work with the firmware. After that, I uploaded the firmware but there were no signal at all. Humax ToH3.5 HoTplugged v11.5 - HUMAX. Humax ToH3.5 HoTplugged v11.5 - HUMAX. Nos obligan a molestarte con la obviedad de que este sitio usa cookies OK. Packet para Humax 5400Z PLUS con ToH3.4 HoT11.1. Iniciado por elgeneral HUMAX. 0 Respuestas 1824 Vistas, 19:01 por elgeneral: v11.1 earl. Iniciado por elgeneral Satycon HD.

Humax 5400z Software Download

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Humax 5400
HumaxTOOLit, Humax 5400 Firmware Manipulator ONLY FOR LINUX (O.S)
HumaxTOOLit version 3.1 - release date 25-5-2008
Direct Firmwaredatabase Import implemented.
Module/HDF Information extended
Module/HDF write procedure changed.
Killerfile Protection.
Humax 5400 Menu Color Editor implemented.
Integrated Help file added.
Many more minor/major changes
HumaxTOOLit version 3.0 - release date 21-4-2008
HumaTOOLit runs under windows(XP)(Vista) now.
HumaxTOOLit version 2.1b - release date 26-3-2008
Uploader in 2.4 to sensitive for Timeout's, fixed.
HumaxTOOLit version 2.1 - release date 24-3-2008
Added KDE Mime type support for Humax files.
Uploader routines changed. No more 'Wrong responce from STB' messages.
When loading .raw file size was displayed wrong. Fixed
Added module CRC32 when loading HDF.
Some bug fixes.
HumaxTOOLit version 2.0 - release date 28-2-2008
New in this version:
Imports modules from .csv (PMC Table) and .hnf (Settings) files now.
Start, from within HumaxTOOLit, your favorite Hex Editor/Viewer
to edit/view a selected RAW file. Internal viewer is removed.
Humax 5400Z+ support.
Convert Humax 5400 Firmware to Humax 5400Z+ Firmware
Load, Save and upload Humax 5400Z+ firmware.
Humax 5400 System ID check to avoid loading wrong firmware into
your Humax 5400(Z)(Z+). See preferences to activate it.
Firmwaredatabase support
Checks if Firmware modules are original releases.
Needs '' by Nostromo.
Place the new '' in the HumaxTOOLit installation
directory and the next time you start HumaxTOOLit it will imported
automaticly. (Thanks to Nostromo and CrazySat)
Exended HDF and RAW file information implemented.
Flashwriter, Flashreader and Unpackhdf are removed. HumaxTOOLit has an
internal uploader and HDF file reader now.
Many more little Changes and Improvements;-)
Loads RAW and HDF files.
Saves to RAW and HDF files.
Add, Replace or delete Modules in HDF files.
Save selected Raw file to a New HDF file,
Downoad directly and fast, without the use of the OFF/ON button, any module
from your Humax 5400 and save them as RAW or as new Firmware HDF.
System ID editor to change the System ID in your Humax 5400
Unpack HumaxTOOLit-*.*.tar.gz somewhere in your Home directory.
Browse to the HumaxTOOLit directory.
Start humaxtoolit in that directory.
The first time you start humaxtoolit or when you upgrading HumaxTOOLit
a message box with the text 'Examening your System...' will be shown.
HumaxTOOLit is now searching for it's installation directory.
This may take a while.
After that the Serial Ports are scanned for a connected Humax 5400.
Make sure you have your Humax 5400 connected and turned on.
When the Humax 5400 is found, the message 'Humax 5400 Found at /dev/ttySx'
is shown.
Otherwise the message 'Humax 5400 not Found.' is shown.
A configuration File 'humaxtoolit.rc' is written to ~/.humaxtools.
Now a Desktop icon is placed on your Desktop to start HumaTOOLit with.
When no connected Humax 5400 was found the Serial Port is set to 'none'.
When connecting a Humax 5400 later, you should set Serial Port to the
port you connected the Humax 5400 to, i.e. '/dev/ttyS0'
You can adjust the preferences at your needs and save them.
HumaxTOOLit is now ready for use.